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Express Fascia Miracle

  • 5 Steps


A Fascia Practice for a Busy Life Say hello to an extraordinary new way to move your body! Our bodies are real life miracles and now you have the power to create a global reboot of your fascial network. Why would you want to do this? Because, fascia is a sensory organ that is intimately interconnected with literally every cell and system in the human body! It has many important jobs to do. Until recently, fascia work was performed from the outside of the body; via a practitioner’s hands, balls, foam rollers, and wands. This new movement practice reaches your fascia from the inside out. I have yet to find any movement practice that does that! I wanted to keep this simple for you. In this course, you will receive five 30 minute full-body classes, that will take you through the whole body! Revisit the classes you loved the most every day or repeat the course once a month, once a quarter, or twice a year. This course is a spinoff of my international best-selling course, The 2 Week Fascia Miracle. That course has currently been sold over 100,000 times and now you have the option to experience it in a quicker way that fits into a busy lifestyle! What you get: 5 exclusive ‘fascia concentrated’ classes covering the whole body Unique cues that get you to new places within your body you have never been before Immediate physical benefits in less than 30 minutes a day, no need to drive to an appointment or buy expensive tools! Something for every area of the body Movement flows to energize, heal, and restore the health of your fascial network Lifetime access! What you gain: Increased energy flow throughout your body Stronger muscles Improved lymphatic and blood circulation Increased lubrication between the skin, fascia, muscles, and bone, allowing true flexibility in the body Clearer nervous system pathways And a little fun, of course!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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